Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Who to Invite
Not everyone who crosses your path is meant to engage in your life and walk with Me, with you. So you need to be careful, watchful, listening to know who that crosses your path you are to invite in and who you are not to invite in. It is only by the...
Stand Strong
Stand strong in the revelation that I have given to you and wait. Walking in that revelation, but wait for...
Don’t Get Tripped Up
You can get yourself tripped up by what you do or what others do. You see, it's so important to stay on the path and do what you…
Come Together
The time is coming where you will no longer be able to survive on your own. The world has taught you a wrong precept and that is about independence. I did not design you to be…
Rumours Abound
Rumours. So many rumours. Everywhere you go there are rumours. You need to be able to know when something is a rumour or…
Who are You Following?
Be careful of who you are following. Don't blindly just follow along...following along with the crowd. Even if you think…
While Time is Ticking On
While time is ticking on you rise up daily and do what I've called you to do. Come alongside others who you discern are…
Pieces of the Truth
There are many pieces of truth that fit together to make a bigger piece of the puzzle. Remember that you only now see in part, until that day when all is revealed. But for now I want you to…
Together in One Accord
Together you can make a difference. Together in one accord you can make a difference to so much. But unless you are standing in Me, and standing with…
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