Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Opportunities, many opportunities may come your way, but don't be so quick to jump and say yes to an opportunity. For some may not be…
I Just Can't Stomach That!
You know what you mean when you say the phrase, "I just can't stomach that!" That needs to be your response to sin in your life. For it's only when you…
Learn the Lessons Now!
When you think or hear others say, "The end is coming!" how do you respond? Do you want to run and hide? Do you run and hide? Do you fight? Do you gather things together? Do you gather your friends together? There is a difference between doing all of those things out of a…
Spinning Around
Spinning around…more and more spinning around. The more you spin the more you think you have to spin. You actually believe, many times, that you're making progress. That's why you say to yourself, "Just spin more." But you're not making progress. You have…
If you're walking in trepidation, you are walking in fear. I tell you to fear not. So if you're walking in trepidation, correct yourself for fear is not of Me. I call you to walk in…
Tend to Your Inner Garden
Are you expecting your garden to grow, but not tending to the garden? Expecting growth, but not doing your part? You want to grow? Tend to your…
Be Ready to Act
Be ready to act! Be ready! If you're sloth-like, you are not ready. If you're tolerating…
Stand Strong
When you make a 'God given' stand, don't waver! Stand strong! When you choose to stand strong, the strength you need to…
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