Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Join Me in My Mighty Move
A thundering...a thundering is about to strike! You have a choice to join in. To join in by surrendering more of yourself to Me. Ask Me…
I Speak in Many Forms
I speak to you in many forms. For you to hear, you must be listening. Be still and be listening. You can go through your day…
Thundering, Lightning, Rumbling
Do you hear the thundering? Do you see the lightning? Do you feel the…
I Will Come Through for You
Have faith, for I will come through for you. It may not be in the way or in the timing that you thought it would be, but…
I Command My Angels
I command My Angels. I release them according to My Word. They hear Me and they move. With lightning speed they move. Some have specific…
My Hand is Moving
There's a thundering about to happen! A thundering that will crack open many areas that have been sealed shut, for My Hand is moving! And when the…
There are many incidentals that happen to you, should you be aware. I Am working in the…
A New Tide is Coming
I Am bringing in a new tide. A new tide that is filled with possibilities, with treasures and loaded with fish. You are My…
There are No Coincidences in Me
There are no coincidences when you're walking with Me. There are many occurrences that you experience, that you realize there's a…
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