When You Get to the End of Your Rope

Word for April 12th, 2022

When You Get to the End of Your Rope
Daily Word

When you get to the end of your rope, the world tells you to tie a knot and hang on. But I would tell you, when you get end of your rope, let go, for I will catch you. That is the act of surrender. The rope becomes something that you hold on desperately to, but it does not sustain you. It takes a lot of work to hold on. I Am asking you to let go, let go of the things in your life that you need to let go of. I realize you won't know what to let go of sometimes until you get to the end of the rope. For there's ways that you still hold on to things that I call you to surrender and let go of so you can be fully walking with Me, surrendered and trusting Me. I know it's a journey. I know you learn to trust Me step by step, getting to the end of one rope and letting go. And then you clasp on to another part, or another part of the same rope that was woven together. I know. I know. When you get to the end of your rope, don't tie the knot and hold on. Instead, surrender and let go, for as you do you will see more of Who I Am, for I will catch you and I will lift you up. And ALL IS WELL!


Nothing is Impossible According to God's Will


In the Stillness I Am There