Who Made You Judge?
Word for April 27th, 2022
Who made you judge? It was certainly not I! For I have I said I Am the only Judge and you will all be judged on that day. Do you not think that I don't see and hear what you say and do from that place of judging one another? Think about that. Reflect on what is it that's coming out of your mouth. For when it comes out of your mouth it is coming from your heart. What rivers do you want flowing out of you - the rivers of Life or rivers of death? When you judge others, you are speaking death over them. You do not have the right to do that! You know better than that. Even the world knows better than to do that, to be cruel in acting in those ways. So take heed. Stop judging. Look inward into your own heart and see what is it that's growing within you. And whatever you see is not of life, then change your ways. Humble yourself and repent. Seek healing and deliverance from those things, for that is not serving Me. That brings destruction.