Trumpet the Good News and Living Water across the Land

Word for April 22nd, 2021


Just like the elephants that raise their trunk high and they let out their sound from their belly and they trumpet the sound across the land and it is heard. The ears of the other elephants perk up. The ears of the other animals perk up and they hear. I call you to trumpet My Voice across the land, to spread the Good News of Who I Am. To tell others, "This is your God. This is His Son, Jesus. This is the Holy Spirit." Spreading the Good News across the land. And just like the elephant draws up into himself water and spreads it, I want you to drink deeply of My Living Water and then spread that, shower that across the land. Give the nation Living Waters. Give the nation the Good News of Me. Go Forth, My Children. Trumpet Me into the world!


Put on the Armour I have Given to You


Tyranny is Moving more in the World - Guard your Heart and Mind and Walk in my Ways