Some Things You Think are a Distraction are Not
Word for August 19th, 2021
I am pleased to see you turning away from distractions. I want you to know that when you are called to walk a certain way and explore something new in My Kingdom, that you very well may think that some of the practical aspects of that are a distraction. But they are not, for they all have a purpose in unfolding My Kingdom on the earth. So when you're considering exploring the practical side of applying what I've called you to do, know that sometimes because you don't know the fullness of what I've called you to do, you are walking that out, that what you might be considering are distractions are not. They're what you need to explore, to grapple with, to come to understand, to learn about, because I want you to know that so that I can use you. So remember, you don't always know the outcome of something that you're stepping into, but trust me in the 'stepping in.' If it is truly a distraction, not just you thinking it's a distraction, but if it is truly a distraction and you're walking with Me, partnered with the Holy Spirit, you will know. So don't superimpose some idea of distraction on what I've called you to do. Be walking in the Spirit. Then you will know. I am pleased. I am pleased to see My Church taking steps; each one of you taking steps. I see them. I see you. I'm encouraging you! Encourage one another!