Stop Crying Out "The Sky is Falling"

Word for December 14th, 2022

Stop Crying Out "The Sky is Falling"
Daily Word

Why do you cry out, "The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!?"  It surely is not falling!  For if it was falling, I would be causing it to fall.  It is not falling.  You look around and you see what's going on, but don't cry out, "The sky is falling."  Instead, remember that I Am the One that's in control, despite what things may look like to you.  See beyond that.  Read My Word that says that I Am moving!  I Am moving now!  Destruction is going to come!  It's going to tear down the things that I call to be torn down so that I can build up what needs to be built up in this time.  So stop crying out 'the sky is falling' and start rising up and being part of the New, the New, the New Church rising up!



