Word for December 19th, 2024

The Circle of Life
Daily Word

The circle of life and death has many facets.  There’s the natural - the natural circle of life and death - but there’s also the spiritual circle.  And it’s an everyday event, for every day there are many opportunities for you to choose life.  There are many opportunities for you to choose death.  And in that circle, that’s always moving, I want you choosing life.  Life!  Abundant life in Me.  So you do that by praising and worshiping Me.  You do that by speaking, from your heart, words that are life to yourself and over others.  You can also bring life to yourself and others by your actions.  Your actions that come from your heart, your spirit.  Everything that flows from the Spirit is life, living waters.  I want you choosing life every day.  I want you to put down death.  The words that cause death.  The actions that cause death.  I want you living.  For you are stepping into everlasting life with Me.  Circle of life.  Choose life.


Rest in Me as You Run


Surrounded by Colours