The Holy Spirit Leads You on the Road

Word for December 3rd, 2020

The Holy Spirit Leads You on the Road
Daily Word

The road can be bumpy at times, but keep your eyes open and you will see and you will not trip over the bumps. You will step over them and if they are taller you will climb up and over them or you will go around them, as I direct you. So do not be concerned about what is on the road. Be concerned about - are you applying what I've taught you to do to navigate the road. For I have given you the Navigator, the Compass. The Holy Spirit leads you on the road. So don't be concerned. Be awake. Be watchful. Follow the Compass. Apply all I have already taught you, knowing full well, fully persuaded that I will teach you more. I will show you more as you need it. That causes you to walk by Faith, to apply what you know and then walk by Faith. So are you ready today? Will you be ready tomorrow? You are ready…that is My point. You are ready, but you must go. You must go as I direct you to go. If it is a challenge, that is OK, because I have given you everything you need to meet the challenge. Link alongside your Brothers and Sisters. Link alongside and walk with them. Remember, you can't do it alone. You can't do it without Me and you can't do it without the Church.


You Have a Unique Role in My Plan


Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart