Everyday I Have Given You is Holy

Word for December 31st, 2020

Today is the day to be celebrated. Today is the day to live fully in My Presence and listen to My Voice and go forth for I always have a wonderful day set before you. You know, tomorrow, today will have been yesterday. So live today. Celebrate today. No other days are more special than another. Each day, see it as a gift, a gift from Me to you, to live, to breathe, to reach out, to deliver truth to others, life to others. There's always a call on your life, but you must come before Me and listen to what is that call that I have for you for this day, for this day is Holy. So live in the day I have given you. Look for the joy in each day and celebrate each day, each day!


Have Faith for I will do what I have Promised to You


Come Boldly into My Throne Room