Don't Fall for the Trickery of Man

Word for December 27th, 2021

Don't fall for the trickery of man. You're more susceptible to fall for the trickery of man when you become tired. I Am here to provide you strength every day. Stir up the spirit within you. Pray. Keep your eyes focused on what you know is truth. Don't let other thoughts enter your mind. Remember that I give you everything you need. So strengthen yourself on My Word, on My Spirit, and feed on that everyday and you will remain strong. Strong is steadfast. That doesn't mean you cannot rest when I call you to rest. Resting also can make you strong because in the resting in Me, you are still focused on Me. So it's not about resting or running. It's more about, 'Don't become tired.' So feed on everything I've provided you with to keep you strong and steadfast, especially in these times.


Let the Sunrise Remind You That I Am Moving


The Times are Changing but Fear Not for I Am in the Change