The Way is Steep and Narrow

Word for February 25th, 2020

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The way is steep and narrow. It leads to mountaintops and valleys deep. Streams of living water flow from the mountains and in the valleys. Springs spring up as you move. There will always be springs of living waters for you wherever I lead you, but you must follow. I have prepared you to take the steps. Don’t worry about the steps ahead, as I have already taken care of those. That part is My job. Your job is to walk where I call you to walk. That doesn’t mean you do it carelessly because pondering and seeking and discerning is being cautious and reflective. There is a difference between that process and just being in your head. You know the difference because you feel and know the difference. I take you by your hand to help you step lightly over the boulders, Hinds feet on high places. You need to be sure footed, light hearted, yet deeply reverent, humble - which the boldness flows from. You are learning to rest in Me and when I move you move. Be My Light in your world, My world. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Use it. Step into it. Back away from traps. I have given angels charge over you. You give them charge over yourself lest your foot be dashed upon a rock. Make requests of your angels. Talking to them isn’t worshipping them. It is being aware when you need their help and learning what they do. It is a learning process so don’t be afraid of the learning process. I know your heart is not to worship them, but that has blocked you from engaging with them in the ways I have ordained it to be. I will correct you when needed. So, my child, arise to this day. Turn your face to the course I have set before you. Embrace it. It is the only way you find Me, you find yourself, your life, your breath, your peace.


Be Effective In These Last Days


You Have the Keys to My Kingdom - Use Them