Don’t Sit Back and Wait for Me to Move

Word for January 15th, 2021


My People, My Chosen Ones, don't sit back and wait for Me to 'do it,' watch for Me to 'do it,' because part of what I am 'doing' is calling you to rise up into the amazing 'doing' that is about the happen.  So some of you are waiting to see what I am going to do.  Well, part of that is good.  The part that would not be good is if you are sitting back and waiting for Me to 'do it' when I have given you a call on your life to 'do' what I have called you to 'do.'  TIme to check with yourself - are you doing what you know I have called you to do?  You don't wait on that.  You step into those things because they are a part of all that I am 'doing;' shaking My Church awake, shaking you awake.  When you gather in My Name, don't just wait and see what somebody else is going to do before you do what you know you're supposed to do, what I've told you to do, what I've called you to do.  "Well, I'll do my part if they do their part."  I have called you to action, to minister in My Name and above all, to Love.  So while you are waiting to see what I am going to do, remember, I have called you to action, to do what you are called to do everyday; not somebody else.  Don't just watch somebody else to see what they are 'doing' or not 'doing' or "I'll do it if they do it."  When you rise up in the call that I have given to you it inspires others.  It reminds others of Who I Am and Who I Am in them and then they start to rise up.  So don't wait, rise up!  Now is the time to arise into all I have called you to be.  You step into that and you will see Me working in you.  The Holy Spirit will lay ahold of you more and more and shake you awake and you will rejoice.  You will rejoice!  You will rejoice in what you see I am 'doing' and you will rejoice in what you see is happening around you, among My People.  So don't sit  back and wait for Me to move, for I am always moving.  Rise up and be part of The Moving now!


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