It's Time to Take Things Seriously

Word for January 29th, 2022

It's time to take things seriously. The Bell is tolling. It is time. The problem is, that I see, is that some of you are rising up to say, "We need to take this seriously," but you don't know how to separate what needs to be taken seriously and what things need to be avoided and let go of and not looked upon. Only I can direct you in what you see and what you know in your spirit, as to what is going on that you need to take seriously and what things you need to let go of. Because some of you are caught in taking some things seriously that you need to let go of and redirect yourself to the things I would say to take seriously. What I say to take seriously is about your walk with Me, about your submitting to Me, about you turning from ways that you already know you shouldn't be doing. It's time to take that seriously. For you cannot walk where I've called you to walk if you don't take that walk seriously. So step back for some moments and ask yourself, and ask Me to show you, what things are you focused on that you think is you taking something serious when you need to let go of that and where do you need to be redirected? There are distractions. You've been caught in some of them. Some of the distractions you're actually believing that you're to focus on that. So tune into My Spirit. Step back and ask Me to shine My Light on All things that you would 'see' and then what you 'see,' take that seriously.


Don't Be Set in Your Ways


Never Fear to Step Forward When I've Asked You To