My Ways are Higher than Your Ways
Word for July 29th, 2021
My Ways are higher than your ways. My People, I know, I know at some level that you know that and yet, you find yourself, and I see you, putting your ways higher than My Ways. As I call you deeper to walk with Me you need to become aware in what ways you are still not acknowledging My Ways in all things, but put your ways higher than My Ways. I am pleased with the ways that you are acknowledging Me and seeking Me. But, I say to you, there is a deeper understanding of that, for each one of you, no matter where you are on your journey. There is always a deeper place to go. Humble yourself, surrender, ask the Holy Spirit to show you where in your thinking you have placed yourself, your ways higher than Mine, because your behaviours end up flowing out from your thinking. I say, Take all of your thoughts captive that are not in alignment with Me. But for you to be able to do that you need to be able to be aware when your thoughts are simply your own, and when your thoughts are Mine, are birthed from Me, are One with Me. Keep going! Keep going! Keep embracing this Glorious path I have for you! Keep embracing each other! Help each other! Stand with each other! Correct each other! For My Ways are Higher than your ways. I bless you with an abundance of blessings upon each one. Receive! Receive My Blessings now!