Who is Taking Me Seriously?

Word for July 8th, 2021

Who is Taking Me Seriously?
Daily Word

Who is taking Me seriously? Those that humble themselves before Me each day. For when they humble themselves before Me, then I lift them up. When they humble themselves before Me, they become equally yoked with My Son and they walk together, for My yoke is easy. When they walk equally yoked with My Son, Jesus, should they slip, they are steadied by the yoke attached to Jesus. When they walk the path that I've called them to walk, with Jesus, they receive everything they need. They complete the journey that I have set before them. So, My Children, humble yourself before Me and I will raise you up. All is well. All is well! Believe Me!


Your Thoughts are a Precursor to what Will Flow from Your Mouth


Prayerfully Consider All Things