My Children, Embrace Where I Have Placed You

Word for June 11th, 2021


Listen to Me, My Children. Where you find yourself right now, embrace where you are, the moments that you have, in the Name of Jesus. For I have placed you where you need to be to minister in My Name; where you need to be to grow in My Ways, to go from step to step, Glory to Glory. Don't despise, in any way, where you are. That doesn't mean that you can't look at things and recognize, through the eyes of My Son and through the Power of the Holy Spirit, that those things need to change. Well, I've placed you there and given you the ability to see that, to be a part of the change. That is the ministry I've called you to - to be a part of changing those things that need to change and you can only change them in the Name of Jesus. You can only change them when you accept that I have placed you exactly where I want you, for your sake, for those around you, for their sake, for My sake. For I have a plan. Remember that! I have a plan! You're plan of My plan! Embrace where I've placed you! You know, whatever struggle you face, that's your training ground, that you can learn how to face into a struggle, carrying the Victory with you and seeing the Victory manifest before you in the Mighty Name of Jesus…and then you Glorify Me! So, My Children, embrace where you are. See where you are…through the eyes of My Son.




Wait On Me, Wait With Me, Wait For Me