Listen, for there are Times I Send You to GO and Meet the Need of Others with the Angels

Word for June 26th, 2021

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Listen, for there are Times I Send You to GO and Meet the Need of Others with the Angels
Daily Word

I am glad that you have learned that the angels are there for you and there for others and you can call them to go forth and do the assignments that I've given them to do. You can also ask them for help. I am glad that you have come to understand that, in part, and that's OK. I want to remind you that when you see a need and you do respond by sending out the angel or angels, there are many times that the Holy Spirit is wanting to speak to you and sending you also. You must be listening for the guidance of the Holy Spirit within you. You must be willing to go, to go when the Holy Spirit speaks to you to go. Because when you go into that need that you have first sent the angels to go, then I can use your voice to speak My words to someone that can't hear Me yet, either because they are not in My Kingdom or they haven't learned to listen. You're listening. I send you. Know that I will give you every word that that person needs to hear in that moment. And when you go, you are going in love. That person will feel that love. Acknowledge Me in that situation and then when the need is met and you part ways, know that I touched that person in that moment and it will continue to grow in them. You delivered a seed. You planted it in love. Now pray. Now pray for them. Water the seed with your prayers. Be listening, My Children. Be ready to act.


Be Careful of What and Who You are Influenced By, I Want You Influenced By Me


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