Use My Highlighter

Word for March 11th, 2022

Use My Highlighter
Daily Word

The highlights of the day…you know when you're reading a book and you have a highlighter and you note particular important things as you're reading and sometimes you go back over that and all you need to do is look at the highlighted points and they are what resonates in you? Well, I want you to use your highlighter right now on everything that you're experiencing and that you see and that you hear and that you're drawn into…and…I want you to go through that with My Highlighter, the Spirit in you controlling the Highlighter and I want you to be guided to highlight the things that are important, the things where I want you focusing. I will point out the specific things that I want you to be focusing on. There is much distraction going on right now. Even more than ever. And some of you are caught in the distractions, believing that is what you're supposed to be focused on, and it's not! Is it happening? Yes it is, but are you to be focusing on it and trying to figure it out? No! I want you focused on what I call you to focus on. So imagine everything that you're experiencing and then take ahold of My Highlighter, let the Spirit guide you, and tell you in your heart, in your spirit, what things are important that I want to Highlight for you, that I want you focused on!


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