You are Accountable for Your Actions

Word for March 24th, 2022

You are accountable before Me for your actions. You come to Me and you receive Me speaking to you about what you have done and how you have done it. Yes, that is between you and I. But whatever actions you take, you are accountable for those to others. Some actions lead to life. Some to actions lead to death. And when I say death in that way I Am talking about what you do that harms one another, one another in My Body, one another in the world. I did not call you to go out to harm, but to bring Good News, to bring healing and deliverance, to set the captives free. That is the call I've placed upon you. Not to walk away and cause harm by your behaviour that is not according to My Will, that is not according to My principles. There's a big difference between you knowing My principles and you choosing not to walk in them, and you just being blinded and unaware and not knowledgable in My Ways. As I look at you, I know what you know and what you don't know. You are accountable for what you know and how you walk with that. So be accountable. Come before Me and be accountable. Repent! Repent for what you have done that has caused harm!


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