Freely I have Given to You and I Call You to Give Freely to Others
Word for March 18th, 2021
Freely I have given to you and I call you to give freely to others. You can be with people and still not giving of yourself. Still self-focused and not looking at them, praying for them, sacrificing your time for them, reaching out to them, speaking with them. How much time do you spend self-focused and how much time are you spending giving? I have freely given to you. I call you to freely give to others. Give of your time. Give of your presence. Give of your presence because you carry My Glory and it is My Glory going out into the world that is needed. In that Glory is salvation. In that Glory is healing. In that Glory is deliverance. My Presence has it ALL. You carry My Presence. Give freely of yourself, of your gifts and talents, of the financial support I have given to you so that you might give to others. Give freely. I will show you, but you have to be willing to lay down your life, to stop being self-centred and be God centred. Be centred on My Son. Stir up the Spirit in you and let the Spirit come up and flow out of you. You've got it ALL. I've already given it to you. Go share what I have given to you. Be a blessing to others.