Remember my Love for you, My Word I have Written on your Heart

Word for March 24th, 2021


Oh My Children, I…I so love you. I love you more than you can even imagine, but there are times when you feel that love rising up in you for one another. Ahhh, continue to let that Love flow through you for I have already gifted it to you. Grow that in you. As you abide in My Son and walk in My Ways that Love grows in you. Through Me, it grows in you. Now I want you to remember not to worry about the things that you do not know yet because I haven't revealed them to you. I want you to focus on the things that are already alive in you. The times I have spoken to you through My Word, through My Prophets, through My Pastors, through your brothers and sisters, and it has ignited My Word in you, that is written on your heart. And it becomes alive and it is stirred in you and you know - that is the Truth, that is The Way, that is Who I am. You must put those things that I have written on your heart, that are alive in you, before your eyes, for they guide you, they lead you, they remind you of Truth. And when you are reminded of that truth, the Spirit in you is stirred up and you step into it, and then you walk and you bring My Truth to the world and you enlighten that in them. They catch that Fire for the Fire flows through you. So My Children, remember, I Love you. Remember My Son. Remember what I have written on your heart, what I have stirred within you. Remember that, and as you walk in that then I will reveal more to you. I have shown you so much of Who I Am. Remember Who I Am and who you are in Me. Shalom


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