Let the Lion of Judah Roar Through You

Word for May 23rd, 2022

Let the fierce Roar of the Lion of Judah rise up in you. Stir up your Spirit and when you hear the Roar of the Lion, the fierceness of the Words, let your voice Roar out into the world. When that sound of the Lion of Judah Roars through you, things shake and fall preparing the way for newness to come and to be birthed. When you Roar, many things within you are set free, for the sound, the thundering sound of the Lion of Judah Roars in you, breaks you forth into all I've called you to be. Let the Lion of Judah Roar in you and through you and become Life!


Fear Not My Child for I Walk with You


Don't Tarry in Doing What I've Called You to Do