Move From Your Humble Heart

Word for May 8th, 2022

When you have a humble heart, you're in a place where I can use you in Mighty Ways. For with a humble heart you stand before Me knowing that it is Me flowing through you that brings life, abundant life into the world. When you try to step out of that humble heart into just yourself and what you think is your own talent and your own brilliance, I cannot use you in the same way as I use you in being in your humble heart. It's your humble heart that opens the door for the floodgates of Me to move through you. Yes, I have developed talents in you and you have worked on developing those talents as well as We work together. But if you step into using your talents for any other reason than Me directing you to use them, you have stepped out of My perfect will for you. You have stepped out into pride. Recognize when you do that so that then you can step back into your humble heart that knows - it's but by the Grace of God I Go!


I Call You to Love One Another


The Remnant are Rising