The Perils of Life

Word for November 16th, 2020

The perils of life; many perils you have created yourself by walking in sin. Sin leads to death. I have told you this. I have told you many things in the world. I have taught you many things in My Word. Pay attention to the Word, not the world. You must turn away from the things of the world to be able to walk in My Word. You see, there is much peril coming. I need My People, My Church, to be standing, not caught in their own sin, but following My command, hearing the Spirit lead their way. You must stand to be able to do that. You cannot be ensnared by the evil one that you have opened the door to with your sin. So individually, clean up your life, search your heart, turn away from those ways and turn to My Ways. Church, turn back to Me. Church, you are creating much peril in this world because you have turned from who I AM, My precepts. You have led the people astray. So those in My Church who have done that - turn back. It is still not too late. Turn back! For those in My Church who are carrying the standards, are carrying the Banner of Love and all I represent because the Spirit of God is alive in you. I am alive in you. You stand strong. Do not get ensnared by the evil one because I need you to stand strong because you need to lead the way - for the people that don't even know that they need a way. When more peril comes, they will see they need a way, but they won't know how to do it. So those who have been taught, start applying the lessons I've given you and stand because you are needed by Me. Others will follow you. Go forward My Children. Come together. Come together in My name and go forward.


Trust Me

