Vengeance is Mine. Don't Take on Vengeance Yourself. Vengeance is Mine.
Word for November 18th, 2020
Vengeance is Mine. Don't take on vengeance yourself. Vengeance is Mine. I repay in My way the things others do or Nations do that are wrong and are not according to My precepts, and when that happens I bring vengeance. You are to bring forgiveness…and that includes forgiving others and forgiving yourself, forgiving generations in the past, forgiving groups as you see right now rising up. Forgiveness is what you do in your heart. When you do, then you are in tune with Me and if I call you to action in some way, then it is Me working through you. There is a big difference. So for example - you being hurt by another and instead of forgiving them, turning the other cheek and seeking My Wisdom as to what to do in the situation, you instead decide to be angry and then act on that anger by either doing something hurtful back or turning away and walking away and just denying that person access to you or to your heart. All of those create more pain and division and I have called you all to unity. The way to unity is walking as I've called you to walk, forgiving one another, coming along side one another, encouraging one another. If call you to be part of Me correcting someone, then that is still Me. Point being, it is not you. It is not you taking action, by yourself, out of your own pride and hurt and sin to make a change that you've decided - something is wrong. No, I have decided what is right and wrong and I have instilled that in you so that you would know and then seek Me what to do about it. Well, first step is always to forgive others and yourself. Right now, a lot of forgiveness needs to happen because of everything you are seeing, everything that is causing you fear, everything that's hurting you or you see is hurting others. So forgive. Ask for My heart to see what is going on. See it through My Eyes. Ask Me what I have called you to do in the situation, not what you think you should do or you are doing. Vengeance is Mine. Ask Me what I call you to do as My Warrior, as My Hands and Feet and Eyes of Compassion upon the earth. Ask Me what I've asked and are asking, and will always ask of you. We are in this together. Be in Me for I am in you.