What is the Point of Prophecy?
Word for November 23rd, 2021
Some are saying, "What is the point of prophecy? It’s already in the Word of God. There is nothing new under the sun. So why prophecy?” Well, if you knew My Word you would know why, but I more want to address the fact that when I speak out something in the prophetic gift, it is to remind you of something specific. It may open your eyes to a new way of looking at what is of old and what is of old is still relevant now. It is to give you a fresh look, maybe a fresh analogy, maybe pin pointing something that needs to stand out for you in your life right now, the life of My Church, the life of the nation. There is always a purpose for prophecy, after prophecy has been tested. You can test prophecy. Take it back to My Word. If you are offended by true prophecy, search yourself. Maybe there is something there you don’t want to hear, but I Am speaking to you. You see many will take offence to My Word. That is different than somebody taking offence because of the way you spoke to them or the way you treated them. Or you taking offence by the way somebody said something to you or spoke to you. That offence I tell you to deal with in yourself, when you’re offended, and to step back and ask, “How am I behaving? What am I saying that could be offending somebody else?” Because that I tell you not to do and, in fact, I tell you to go and heal, forgive when it comes to that type of offence. But if you are offended by the Word of God, no matter how I speak it to you, then you need to look at it again. You need to search your heart. You need to search your ways and see why you are reacting to that. Are you stuck in an old pattern? Are you stuck in something that would be a religious notion and not My Truth. I Am always loving you and impressing upon you My Ways. Receive! Do not despise prophecy, for I Am speaking. Test what is being spoken. I’ve called you to do that, but don’t despise what I have spoken.