Word for October 1st, 2023

Be steadfast.  For when you are steadfast all the fruit of the Spirit all grows.  For you are being steadfast in walking in what you know.  When you are steadfast in your faith, your faith grows.  If you're steadfast in your loving, your love grows.  For to be steadfast you must be standing and walking with Me.  You must be trusting.  You must be delivering the message of your presence with Me, however I call you to do that.  So if you are wondering why you are not growing, why you are not receiving more understanding, then look deep at yourself.  Are you being steadfast in what I have already told you, what I've already revealed to you?  Be steadfast, for it's from that place that all things will continue to grow stronger in you as you walk with Me.


Carry On My Child


All is Well