Don’t Tattletale - That is Gossip

Word for October 13th, 2020

Don’t tattletale on one another, that is gossip. Tattletaling is childish. If you have real concerns bring them to Me. Talk to Me about the things that trouble you, that you are hurt by - bring them to Me. Let Me heal you. Let Me set you free. Let Me give you the wisdom and knowledge that you need to walk in My power, to go back into this situation and bring healing and deliverance to those that need it. I have called you to go and set My captives free, to heal the wounds, to speak My Truth, to speak of My Son. So stop tattletaling. Stop tattletaling! Come to Me! I am always listening! I am always there for you! I am always there!


Sorrow Lasts but for a Time - My Joy is Everlasting


I have Called You to Perfect Yourself in Christ