Every Task I Ask of You - Do It with Joy and Life

Word for October 26th, 2020

Every Task I Ask of You - Do It with Joy and Life
Daily Word

Every task I ask of you, do it with joy, with life, because when you do the every task, whether you think it is small or you think it is big, in My Eyes they are all Glorious because I work through them all. Each task I give you is to bring My Glory, My Love into the world. So, don’t do anything begrudgingly that I’ve asked you to do. When you do the task begrudgingly, I am not in it. I am not in it. So everything you do - do it in Love and Joy. Do it in harmony when I have called you to work with another, another one of My Brothers and Sisters. Do it in unity and harmony. I offer you so much Joy, so much Love!


Don’t Wait Until Tomorrow - Do It Now


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