Step Up Higher

Word for October 4th, 2023

Step Up Higher
Daily Word

Step up higher!  You think you've stepped up.  There is so much more stepping up to do.  What are you going to do every morning?  What are you going to do?  What are you going to do?  Step up!  Step in!  Be bold!  Be courageous!  And fall before Me.  How can you be stepping up and falling before Me at the same time?  Because falling before Me gives you the Power to step up and to step higher.  So come to Me!  Surrender to Me!   I give you everything you need.  Never doubt that.  Your mind still has so much training to do to keep it online with Me.  Train your mind!  Take ahold of it, for it causes you much trouble.  Trouble that you don't need to be living with.  When you walk in the Spirit you will have troubles, but that's because you're walking in the fullness of the Spirit.  Don't worry about those troubles.  I am dealing with those troubles.  But the other troubles you create for yourself…get a grip.  Stop it!  Cause I need you.  I need you more and more in these times.  I need you.  Are you going to follow Me?  Step up!


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