Be Watchful for Hypocrisy
Word for October 2nd, 2021
The Word I speak to you today is spoken in Love. Remember that, for I Am going to speak directly to you, My Children, those that go out and minister in My Name. I'm speaking to you. Be watchful for hypocrisy, for that that still dwells within you. Hypocrisy is when you believe and yet, your actions, your words go against what you are saying you believe about Me and who you are in Me. People are watching. People will be quick to see the hypocrisy. For if you say, "I love you," and you say that from a place of knowing that it is My Love in you that you are loving others through and you are attempting to convey that to other people...that when those same people see you lying, being judgemental, being critical, setting traps for one another, they will then not believe. For they will see the hypocrisy. You all know what I am talking about, for you have seen hypocrisy in others and it has sickened you. So I'm calling you to look within yourself, to ask Me, the Holy Spirit within you to convict you of the ways that you are doing harm to each other, harm to ministering in My Name. Because when you are convicted and you humble yourself before Me and repent and turn from those ways, then in that moment you are forgiven. You are lifted up by Me. I hold you and I place you upon the path again and I say, 'Go forth My Children. I love you. I am training you up.' Receive the teaching. Receive the correction. Because when you do, you will walk in more fulness of who I Am and who I Am in you and the call on your life. You will walk more boldly in that, more sure footed in that, more in Love which is what is needed…My Love…for I Am All Love.