Surely, I Call You to Wait and Listen

Word for October 31st, 2021

Surely, I call you to wait, to wait on Me.  Waiting is an action, for it requires you to be listening.  To not jumping ahead, to not just doing what you think I must want you to do, but to wait and to listen, for in the act of listening you have opened yourself to hear.  Sometimes you already know because I've spoken to you, but that the time to act is not yet and you're waiting to hear the time of action.  Still again, it causes you to be in a place of listening.  Listening is abiding in Me.  It is like one ear open to Me and the other ear is paying attention to the everyday things that are going on around you.  You can be in both places at once, for I am in both places.  Be aware of My Presence in everything that you do.  Abide with Me…listen...wait!


You Have the Right Chemistry and It is Powerful


Rest in the Stillness of My Love