It is Imperative that You Forgive Others

Word for September 20th, 2022

It is Imperative that You Forgive Others
Daily Word

It is imperative that you forgive others as I have forgiven you…as I have forgiven you.  When you struggle to forgive someone else, you need to remember how much I have forgiven you daily.  When you remember, you often come to Me and ask Me to forgive you and indeed you should.  But you also need to remember that My Word says I cannot forgive you unless you forgive others.  It is imperative that you forgive as I have forgiven you and that you forgive from a place of heart, not empty words, for I do not forgive you from empty words.  I forgive you from My Heart and then you are set free.  If you don't forgive others I cannot forgive you.  Remember, remember that part of My Word.  So repent.  Fall down on your knees before Me.  Remember that it's the love shed abroad in your heart that can get you to the place, should you allow it to, to be able to forgive others as I have forgiven you.


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