Lessons in the Challenges

Word for September 22nd, 2022

Lessons in the Challenges
Daily Word

I'm sure you have learned when you faced challenges and walked through them, as I discussed with you the other day, that you learn things. I Am teaching you about yourself, about Me, about how to stand strong and move ahead. I want to emphasize to you that every new challenge set before you requires you to remember all the lessons you've already learned because you're going to need them, remembering them to step into the new challenge. During that new challenge, I will teach you and reveal to you new things about yourself, about who you are in Me and Who I Am in you. I tell you to keep your eyes on those things that I have taught you because you need them. Remember! Remember those things! Hold them dearly to your heart! I call you to go deeper. Celebrate that! Celebrate the outcome of victory and what you have learned. When you celebrate that, then all of a sudden the challenges don't look as ominous because you know who you are and you know I Am there with you. Celebrate that! Learn to celebrate the challenges set before you for you know the outcome!


Prepare for the Unexpected


Encourage One Another