Don't Let Your Idle Chatter Steal My Thunder!

Word for September 16th, 2021


Don't let your idle chatter steal My Thunder! I'm trying to speak to you. When you chatter about nothing, you're stealing My Thunder. You dull yourself to hearing Me when you're filling your mind and your space with idle chatter. I want you to hear My Voice, for My Voice Thunders across the land. You often think of My Voice as the still, quiet voice. Ah yes, I speak to you in a still, quiet voice and My Sheep know My Voice. But your stealing My Thunder as in I'm the one that Reigns on the earth. I Am in control of all things and you need to be standing against the evil one and taking authority at that level. You need to be listening. Don't allow yourself to be dulled to what I've called you to do. For your discerning you need to be listening. So don't dull yourself with idle chatter and if you speak to one another about matters that are important, you will be surprised to discover that when you speak about Me, about what I Am doing in your life, it encourages others. When you talk about the struggle in the 'standing,' then others can 'stand' with you. Talk about things that matter, not idle chatter. Be sharpened!


Stop Worrying!


I Will Be Forever Grateful for Your Faithfulness to Me