Stop Watch Listen Wait
Word for September 4th, 2021
Stop! Watch! Listen! Wait! Stop! Watch! Listen! Wait! Each one of those steps, My Children, are a supernatural 'way of being.' When I speak STOP to you, My Word in the Spirit lays ahold of you and you are stopped in your tracks. If you are sensitive, listening to Holy Spirit, you will recognize it very quickly and then you will start to 'watch.' You won't know what it is you are going to 'see,' but you know that I have asked you to 'watch.' And in the 'watching,' I call you to 'listen'…to 'listen' for My Voice. And I call you to 'wait,' for you may at that point have 'seen' what I was wanting to show you, have 'heard' what I wanted to 'speak' to you, and now you must 'wait' until I tell you to act on what you've 'seen' and 'heard.' The act of 'waiting' is an action because what do you do in the waiting? You lift up what you saw and heard and say, "Lord, have Your Way. Lord, move and have Your Way!" You are calling it forth. You are a part of the unfolding of what I Am doing. So 'wait!' Be attentive in the 'waiting.' Keep your mind focused on the 'watching' and the 'listening' and what you 'saw' and 'heard.' Hold that and 'wait!'