There are many challenges in life. Indeed, many, many challenges. How you face them and walk through them will make a difference as to the...
Change Your Emotion
Don’t let your emotions run away with you, whether you are angry or disappointed. Whatever the emotion is, don’t let it run away and take you...
Choose Life in Every Moment
Each and every day is full of choices. Moment to moment choices. Choices that you have to make. Choose Me. How do you choose Me, you ask? By asking Me...
Cloudy Eyes
Has your vision become cloudy? Just like the car windshield can become cloudy and you need to clean it to see, you need to...
The Law of the Land
Obey the law of the land. To obey the law you must first know the laws. Know the implications that they have in your...
Tossed To and Fro
Others may be being tossed to and fro, but that does not have to affect you. In fact...
Your Testimony
Let your testimony of Me, in your life, be how you are day to day, in your life. Both towards…
Things ‘Tickle Your Fancy’
There are things around you that will ‘tickle your fancy.’ And they tempt you to engage in those things. People around you, even those that profess to be following My…
I Know You
Remember that I know you more than you know yourself. I hear all your thoughts, all your…
Be Not Afraid of what Lies Ahead
Don’t be afraid of whatever lies ahead. For if you are caught in fear, that fear is being…
Don’t be Afraid of the Darkness
I will give you sight in the darkness. So do not be afraid of the darkness that is…
When You Don’t See Results
When you don’t see results of the actions you are taking in My Name, have faith. Don’t become discouraged. For you don’t always…
Walk Triumphantly
Walk triumphantly, My People. Walk triumphantly, for I have already won the Victory for you! You must walk in…
These are Serious Times
My People, these are serious times and you need to take these times seriously. You need to…
Times to Tippy-Toe
You need to be wise and be able to tippy-toe around things of danger. Indeed, there are times when I call you to speak to the…