Hear my Voice and then Speak my Voice
Hear My Voice and then go forth and speak My Voice. Hear My Voice and speak My Voice.
By My Hand Nations are Built and Nations Fall
I move My Hand and Nations are built and Nations fall. By My Hand, I am orchestrating all that is going on.
Listen to Me with Your Heart
Listen…….Listen…….Listen to Me…….Listen with your heart…….I am sounding My voice in your heart. It is like a trumpet blast in a mountain that echoes over and over, it bounces, it bounces.
My Truth Will Be Known in the End
The Truth will be known in the end. My Truth will be known in the end. In the end times, I reveal Myself more, and so, My Truth will be known more.
Surprise! I Am about to Surprise You - Run You are Almost There
Surprise! Surprise! I am about to surprise you. Hang on for the ride...the Glory ride! Hold on to what I have taught you. Revisit those sacred moments we have had together.
Trust Me - I Have it ALL Covered
Majesty, Worship My Majesty! I have it all covered. Your finances, your ministry is My ministry.
Day by Day and Step by Step
Variances only apply to the world, not to My plans. Timing of the unfolding of My plans are influenced, but I don’t vary My plan. There are many variances happening right now in the world.
Gratitude and God’s Timing
Gratitude sings My Praises. My Highest Praises are sung in Gratitude. Gratitude lifts us both up - lifts you up in your spirit and Me and My Name. Holy is My Name and Worthy to be Praised.
I Do Not Speak in Riddles
Riddles, you ask? Am I speaking in riddles? No, the world is speaking in riddles and they think they are smart, but are stupid. This is not a riddle.