I am Always Singing my Voice Over you All
Just like the morning birds arise and sing the cadence of their song in the forest, I too am always singing My Voice out over you all.
Awake Sunshine - Let my Son Shine Through you Today
Awake Sunshine! Awake Sunshine! Awake sun shine! My Son shines!
Heaven Surrounds You
Heaven surrounds you. You call Heaven to the earth with your Praises, with your prayers.
Your King, my Son has Risen - You Arise!
Your King, your Saviour, your Redeemer, My Son, your Brother is alive and He sits at My Right Hand where you also are.
Come Sing Praises to the King of Kings
Come Sing Praises to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, your Lord.
Rejoice for I am at Work
Come and dance with Me. Come and Rejoice! Rejoice today and in the days to come.
Come Swim with Me on the New Waves of my Living Water
Come and swim with Me in the water of life, the Living Water! Come and let Me teach you how to swim in My Living Waters.
Be Joyous for I Care for you and am Moving Upon the World
Come Dance with Me Today. There is Joy, there is Joy for you.
I Inhabit the Praises of my People
David danced with abandonment from his heart before Me.
Have Faith for I will do what I have Promised to You
My Children, be not afraid for I will do all I have promised you I will do.
Come Boldly into My Throne Room
Come boldly, boldly into My Throne Room. My Son ushers you in, into My Presence. Come dance on the streets of gold before Me, for I delight in you.
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
Give thanks with a grateful heart. You know that when you give thanks to Me, and you remember what I have done for you, it boosts your Faith.
Come Bless and Worship Me
Every morning when you wake, turn your heart towards Me and run into My Presence. Fall down and Worship Me. Share your love with Me for I so Love you.
I Have JOY for You Today
I have JOY for you today. You may need to think on that, to shake yourself, to push off all your stress, all your concerns. Give them to me for I have JOY for you this day.
Praise Me for What I Am Doing
Remember to Praise Me, to Praise Me for all I am doing. Keep your eyes on Me, eyes on Me and Praise Me for all I am doing. Guard your mind.
Today is Holy - Treat It as Such
I have given you this day. It is Holy. Treat it as such. Treat this day as Holy - everyplace you go, everything you do.
Don’t Just Humour Me with Your Worship
Don’t just humour Me with your worship. That is not true worship. In fact, you can’t even call that worship.
Come Walk with Me in the Glory - Heaven on Earth
When you arise in the morning, Praise My name. I see you awake to the new day set before you. I am waiting for you to join with Me and seek My face, My direction for this Glorious day.
Capture Your Mind and Put It on Me
Majesty! Worship My Majesty! When you worship, keep your eyes on Me or your worship can quickly become null and void. It doesn’t reach the Throne Room.