When You Stop and Take a Breath
When you stop and take a breath, remember Me, for it is I that has given you the Breath of Life. When you remember Me it…
Enter into My Glory Light and Dance
Some dance in the moonlight. Some dance in the world's light. But for you…
Choose to Dance and Let Me Move Upon You
Dance! Dance, My People! You forget to dance. You forget that My Word says that if you have a heavy heart or you're cast down or you're in sadness or you're in every thing, in your…
Celebrate and Rejoice for I Am Moving
Celebrate, My People! Jump for Joy! Dance in the sunrise and Dance throughout the day and Dance as the sun sets! Always Rejoice! Rejoicing celebrates Me in the world that is around you. When you're looking in the world, and only the world level, you're seeing…
Skip for Joy
Skip for Joy, My Children! Skip for Joy! Remember when you were little and you were learning to skip and then you finally mastered it and you would…
Have You Tried Dancing, I Mean Really Dancing?
Have you tried dancing...I mean really dancing? Have you tried dancing when you're heavy hearted? Have you tried dancing when you just see the darkness around you?
Are You Troubled Today? Then Praise Me, Worship Me
Are you troubled today? Then Praise Me. Worship Me. Are you confused today? Then Praise Me. Worship Me. Are you discouraged today? Then Praise Me. Worship Me.
Remember to Be Thankful!
Remember to be thankful. For when you are thankful and you're remembering, speak it out.
Choose to Celebrate Each Day
You make a choice to celebrate, to really celebrate; not pretend to celebrate, but really to celebrate...to have joy, to be thankful and grateful, to spread love.
When You Worship Me It Releases My Power Over You
When you boldly step into the Throne Room before Me to Worship Me, know that as you step in to Bless Me and to Worship Me, it releases My Power upon you and those that come together in the name of My Son.
When You Praise Me I Hear You
As you sit here in My Presence and as you Praise Me, I am bringing the answers. I am working. Just rest in Me.
I Did Not Leave You Alone, The Holy Spirit is With You and Within You
I did not leave you alone. For when I left I sent each one of you the Holy Spirit to surround you, to live within you, to guide you as you let Him. I did not leave you alone in the dark.
Humbly and Boldly Come into My Throne Room
Humbly and boldly come running into My Throne Room. For the veil has been rent and you can enter in. Fully enter in! Run into My Presence and then humbly dance for Joy.
It's a New Day, Come and Rejoice with Me
It's a new day. It's a new day. My Children, it's a new day. Come and rejoice with Me! Come and celebrate this day! For I have a plan for this day. Open your heart to My Plan. Rise Up! Be Joyous! For the plan is Good.
Who has Given You the Breath of Life?
Who has given you the Breath of Life?
Who has given you eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know Truth?
Who has given you feet to walk the path of Righteousness?
Lift Up Your Holy Hands with Joy
Come into My Presence. Come in with Joy. Come in and lift up your holy hands, for I have given you holy hands.
Come Into My Presence and Worship Me the Holy One
When you become aware of My Presence, that is worship. For you had to let go of other things to focus on Me, to become aware of My Presence, for I Am always with you.
Let my Name Always be on your Lips
Whether you are on the mountain high or the valley deep, Praise My Name.