What Well are You Drawing on when You Speak?

Word for February 13th, 2022

The words that you speak flow from the source of the well within you. What well are you drawing on when you speak? Sometimes it would seem as if you have two wells, two faucets and you turn on one faucet and it runs with clear, flowing water - words of Life, words from the Source of Me within you. That is good water. That is Good Words. Sometimes your words flow from another source and the words come out muddy and that muddiness does not bring life. I don't want you to be speaking from that place within you. I want you to be cleaning up those waters. I want you to run them through the purification of My Word, that all the imperfections would be cleaned as you are cleaned. Your soul is being cleaned, your mind is being cleaned by My Word. Let me filter those pools of water that still need to be filtered that they would be purified, so that it doesn't matter where you speak and what you speak. It is all speaking forth from the well of Living Water within you. So don't become discouraged, for I Am working that within you. Just submit to Me and let Me do that work of filtering you more and more every day. I Am pleased when you come and let Me do that with you - filtering, filtering those things that still need to be filtered. For I Am purifying you. You are My Holy People. I Am working within you. Let Me. Let Me do My work with you.


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