Be Joyous for I Care for You and am Moving Upon the World

Word for January 23rd, 2021


Come Dance with Me Today.  There is Joy, there is Joy for you.  Stir up the Joy, Rejoice!  Dance with Me Today.  Have Fun with Me Today.  Why are you so downcast, such a long face?  Remember that everything, everything that you are concerned about, I am on ‘it.'  I am moving upon everything that you are concerned about.  Now the thing with that is that you need to give Me those concerns first.  So sometimes I see My People concerned about things and they’re concerned and their thinking and their...awww...just doing that in their mind, but they forgot to give it to Me.  I can't do anything about it unless you give it to Me.  I care about everything, whether you consider it little or big, it doesn’t matter.  I care for everything about you, about your life.  So don’t hesitate to come before Me and talk to Me, share with Me about what you are experiencing, about your heart, your thoughts, what you see.  That is you offering them to Me because I hear you.  And then, you have given Me permission to do what I do, and I do many, many Powerful Works in your life.  Some you see and some you don’t see, but I am at work.  Don’t ever doubt that.  I am at Work.  So give Me the things that concern you.  Talk to Me about the things that concern you and then you are free.  I have set you free.  So you are free.  You are free indeed to Dance and to Celebrate and to have Joy and Glorify Me, for I Am you Father.  I Am Your Good Father.  I am God Almighty and My Hand is moving upon the World!  Rest assured!  Rest in Me!  Celebrate!


Be Flexible for I am Doing a New Thing


Watch, Listen, Abide in Me and Rise up Today