You Always Take a Map
Word for March 16th, 2022
When you go on a trip you take a map. One way or another you take a map. It's either a map you already have ingrained in your mind or it's a technology map or it's a paper map, but you have a map. You know where you're supposed to be going, where you're headed. And when you look at the map you see that there are many different paths you can take to get to that place you are going. Some are way more effective. Some take less time, smoother roads, sometimes are the scenic routes. Sometimes you don't know where it's going to go. But you set your intent on reaching your goal. You want to reach That Goal and now you head out and as you're journeying along you have choices to make. Which path are you going to take? Sometimes you decide, 'I'm not going to pay attention to that road sign. I don't like being told what to do. I'm going to go this way instead.' And then off you go. Sometimes you end up winding around a lot and ending up in the place you're supposed to be. And sometimes you're totally lost and you have to stop and get help to get you back on the path. In the path that I have for you there's an End Goal. The End Goal is to arrive with Me in the Heavens. That's the End Goal. Whenever that's going to happen and however that's going to happen, that's the End Goal. But from where you are right now to getting to that place requires you to follow the map. I have given you many clues, and in fact, I've laid that out for you in My Word, but you must study the Word, the Map for your life. I know that you get on a particular path, based on what you think you are supposed to be doing. And sometimes your understanding of that does have an element of Truth in it and I celebrate that with you. And yet it still ends up weaving you away and you're kind of feeling lost, but I will guide you back because I know the intent of your heart was to follow Me. You just don't know all the lessons yet. And I guide you gently back and then show you how you went a little bit wrong, but I AM still encouraging you. And then sometimes people intentionally turn away from the path that I've called them to walk and they've gone way far away. I still want to guide them back, but they've turned from Me. So I still travel along with them, but they are not hearing My guidance. You pray for them. You pray for them. Jesus is praying for them. You pray for them. And know that the very moment in their heart that they turn themselves back to Me, I Am right there. Cause see when they turn to Me, that is an act of calling out on My Name and I rescue them. So wherever you are on your journey, know I Am with you. Know that I continue to teach you the ways. I continue to teach you more. So don't be thinking you're not going to get it all right. Well, the point is you're not going to get it all right. That's why you need Me. You need Me to be continuing to teach you My Ways and guide you. You surrender that to Me. Do not fear! I Am with you. When you know where you're to go, I would highly recommend that you go that Way, for your sake and for others, 'cause you know some may be following you and you're leading them astray. You're leading them along a harder path than it needs to be. But My Great Love for you All is always there. Turn to Me Daily. Turn to Me quickly if you've gone off. Call on My Name, for I will hear your voice. I will always hear your voice, no matter how far you think you have gone away from Me.