Word for May 22nd, 2023

To get from 'here to there,' you must believe that a 'there' exists.  That the 'there' is true.  You may not understand all of what 'there' means, but having faith in Me to know that I know where the 'there' is and how to get from 'here to there.'  So your work is in being 'here' learning the lessons.  Persevering, endurance, learning how to draw on My strength everyday.  Learning how to love others in the name of the Son Jesus, My Son.  As you walk from 'here to there,' you must encourage yourself.  You must believe and remember Who I Am and who you are in Me.  So to go from 'here to there,' believe in the 'there.'  Believe in what you know in your spirit, and by faith know that the 'there' is what I know.  So go from 'here to there.'  Be 'here!'  Be 'here' and learn the lessons!  For you will need those lessons as you journey from 'here to there.'


Don't Be Spellbound


Be Joyful Not Silly