Snow Sticks or Melts

Some are watching the snow fall today. You see it fall on the ground and when the ground is still warm it melts, but when the ground has become chilled, the snow stays. The same is true with your own heart. If you have hardened your heart then the things of life that come against you, an unkind word, a challenging situation, many things that can come against you, can affect you if your heart is hardened. But if your heart is warm because of walking with Me, your spirit alive in you, that warmth within you, like the warmth of the earth, will melt all those things that are coming against you. They will fall off of you. They will not stick. When you are walking with Me, I speak to you about your heart. I show you the things that you need to surrender to Me, correct in yourself. Then you are restored. Your heart becomes warm and life flows from you. When the life flows from you everyday those things that come against you will just fall away. They will roll off just as if you extended your hand into a snow storm and the flakes land on you and melt because of the warmth of your hand and roll off. So walk with Me. Walk with Me and the warmth of your being in Me is a protection for all those things around you.


Let Go of Petty Things


I Am Speaking to YOU!