Your Attitude Makes All the Difference

Word for September 28th, 2022

What's your attitude look like? Because your attitude changes everything around you. It could be the same circumstance, but your attitude towards the circumstance will make the difference between life and death. Murmuring and complaining, being caught in fear - those kinds of attitudes will make it difficult for you to face the challenges and have victory because you head into it from a non victorious place. You can change your attitude. Your attitude to look at things around you and say, 'I have the power of God within Me to make a difference in this circumstance. I'm going to count it joy. I'm going to celebrate this whether I feel like celebrating it or not. When I choose to celebrate this, my attitude is aligned with Jesus. My goal is to walk in the victory that already is by faith. I may not see the victory, but I know the victory.' Watch your attitude. Your attitude makes all the difference.


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