Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
The Greatest Gift You have Within You is My Love
When you see a need and your heart is moved, don't be afraid to reach out. Sometimes you stop yourself by saying, 'I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do.' If you…
How are You Moving Today?
How are you moving today? Are you moving slowly or quickly? Are you turning in circles, going to the right and to the left? It doesn't matter what you're doing if you're the one who…
Come and See the Rainbow
My People, you cannot gaze upon a rainbow after the rain or even during the rain and not be awed, not turn to see if somebody else is looking that you can…
Let the Lion of Judah Roar Through You
Let the fierce Roar of the Lion of Judah rise up in you. Stir up your Spirit and when you hear the Roar of the Lion, the fierceness of the Words, let your voice…
Don't Tarry in Doing What I've Called You to Do
Don't tarry in doing what I've called you to do. There are things that I call you to walk in every day, to walk as My Son Jesus walked among you and in My Word, when you…
Labouring Hard in Vain Will Get You Nowhere
When you're labouring in vain, labouring hard in vain, it will get you nowhere. You may think it is, but everything that you're building in vain, if it's not directed by Me, it is of no avail. I want you…
Don't Get Drawn into the Twister
When a twister goes through, a tornado, there are many warnings that it's coming. Some people will watch it coming across the land and they will be excited about the twister and go close to see what…
Move From Your Humble Heart
When you have a humble heart, you're in a place where I can use you in Mighty Ways. For with a humble heart you stand before Me knowing that it is Me flowing through you that…
The Remnant are Rising
The remnant are rising. Are you rising up? I've called the remnant to rise, for the time is now to arise and take your full position where I have placed you. But you must…
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