Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Walk on Treacherous Seas
When the tides turn, there will be great waves and turmoil. I want you to depend on the training you’ve received from Me…to walk on water. It is…
Personal Desires
Don’t let your personal desires and seeking after them come before your serving Me. For when you are serving Me I already know your…
By My Spirit in You
My Word goes forth and doesn’t come back void. It is not based on the loudness that you speak or the quietness in which you speak. It is only by My Spirit. You need to…
Shout a New Song
Shout! Shout a new song to the world. For the world needs a new song. Take your song that is within you and…
Let Me Fill Your Mouth
Open your mouth and let Me fill it with words for you to speak forth. Words of love. Words of…
Take the Step
Step in. Step in My Child. Take the step. Take the first step and you will see that…
Rest in Me as You Run
Rest in Me! Did you know that you can rest while you’re running? You can rest while you’re running by being still within yourself, and at…
Feed Yourself Well
Are you feeding yourself well? Not just your physical body, but your soul. Feed your soul My Word. Be with others who are…